Brothers Charlie and Felix Salmina, with unidentified customer, in their Marshall general store — today the Hog Island Oyster building, circa 1930.
The Tomales Regional History Center is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization (# 94-2360972). We depend on your support and generosity, and are grateful for all donations.
You may choose to donate to our General Operating Fund or to one of our specially-designated funds.
To make a donation online, click on the “donate” button, below.
If you prefer to send a check, mail it to: Tomales Regional History Center, P.O. Box 262, Tomales, California 94971. If you would like your donation directed to a special fund, please note on your check which fund you’d like it directed to.
And thank you!
Donate Online
You will need an email address and a credit card to make an online donation.
Special Funds
Memorial and Honorary Donations honor or memorialize a person or a family, and this donation becomes a part of our general operating funds.
The Exhibit Fund, originated by the late Alec Mitchell, helps us with the cost of producing exhibits, including the purchase of exhibit furniture and accessories.
Our Native Plants Garden Fund is designated for the maintenance and improvement of our garden of (mostly) native plants, including the botanical labels we plan to add.
The Bulletin Publication Fund contributes to cost of printing and mailing our history quarterly
The Alumni Fund supports acquisitions and materials for the Tomales High School-related items in our Collection.
“Every true history must force us to remember that the past was once as real as the present and as uncertain as the future.”