Become a Member

A well-dressed crowd poses at the Valley Ford railroad depot, circa early 20th century.

A well-dressed crowd poses at the Valley Ford railroad depot, circa early 20th century.

By becoming a member of the Tomales Regional History Center you are adding your voice and your support to our organization and its mission — indeed your membership makes you a part of TRHC, and you are always encouraged to keep in touch with us.

With your membership, our quarterly Bulletin will arrive in your mailbox each season, full of stories and images telling of the Shoreline Region’s history, and keeping you up-to-date about TRHC’s activity, including news of our museum’s latest acquisitions, exhibits, and programs. We hope that this publication brings us together in our interest in — and especially in our connection with — this Shoreline Region’s past.


Use this form to become a member of the Tomales Regional History Center or to renew your annual membership. (You can use this form to set up your annual membership to renew automatically.)

  • Yearly membership dues are $40.

  • Life membership is a one-time contribution of $350.

How was life before Pop-Tarts, Prozac, and padded playgrounds? They ate strudel, took opium, and played on the grass.
— Jennifer Michael Hecht, The Happiness Myth