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Tomales Regional History Center

Serving the Marin-Sonoma Shoreline Region

since 1978

On View

Temporary Exhibit


Permanent Exhibits



Walking Tour

Take yourself on a self-guided walking tour of the village of Tomales on your next visit!


Step Up


Tomales Regional History Center is run entirely by volunteers and we rely on the support of our community. Won’t you step up?



Our exhibits and events open to the public. Welcome in!


Year Round: Saturday & Sunday 1:00 PM — 4:00 PM
Closed: Christmas Day, New Years Day
Or by appointment: Contact us


Tomales Regional History Center (map)
26701 Highway One
Tomales, CA 94971

For our mission statement, please see the About page.


[H]istory can untie our minds, our bodies, our disposition to move — to engage life rather than contemplating it as an outsider. It can do this by widening our view to include the silent voices of the past, so that we look beyond the silence of the present.
— Howard Zinn, The Politics of History, 1970